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Parapara Hydroelectric Power Scheme

The following documentation is part of the support for an application to the Department of Conservation (DOC), Nelson to occupy Reserve status Crown Land in the Parapara River catchment in Golden Bay for the purposes of generating hydoelectric power. The information is also available to support an application to the Tasman District Council (TDC) for Resource Consents as required by the Resource Management Act 1991 for the operation of the Richmond Flat dam, the take and discharge of water from the Parapara River and land use consents for pipelines and access roading.

All Information on this website re the Parapara Power scheme is subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without permission.

An application has been filed with the Department of Conservation with the expert assessments below. The submission of the documentation for Resource Consents is pending on confirmation of the completeness of the following information from DOC. ProjectResource are co-ordinating this consent process. The following documents describe the scheme in some detail: -

  • Environmental Effects Assessment (Overview Report)
• Aquatic Life Assessment
• Archaeology Assessment
• Botany Assessment
• Hydrology Assessment

The majority of assets proposed for use in this scheme were in place in the 1890's and some remain in working order today. The first former owners were the Parapara Hydraulic Sluicing Company. The proposal is to restore to working condition features which where in commercial operation from 1894 through to 1917. As an adjunct to power generation the development of the scheme will enable the public to view the historic remains of former mining activity and provide access to a section of Reserve land with scenic and ecologic values particularily in regard to the regeneration of vegetation.

The power proposal is being promoted at this Consent stage nominally by Richard Lamb while DOC requirements are established. The further development of the scheme will be by way of an incorporated company or trust. The participation of equity partners with expertise in raising equity capital and the operation and the management of small scale hydroelectric power generation plants, will be sought shortly.

Information will be added to this file as it becomes available. If you would like to be advised of the release of new information when it becomes available or for any enquiries or comments regarding this project contact Richard Lamb at


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